Church Team

Pastor Lawrence La-Follette

Pastor La-Follette is our senior pastor here at Grace Bible Church.  He was born and raised in Adrian, MI.  After serving at churches in  Keene, NH, Clinton, MA and in Michigan, Pastor and his wife returned to the area to serve the congregation here at Grace in 2004.  His pastoral studies began in 1966 at Midwestern Baptist College.  Several years after graduating MBC with a bachelor's degree in 1970, pastor furthered his studies at Pensacola College (Pensacola, FL), earning his master's in 1980.  Pastor also learned much about good old fashioned hard work while in the employ of his older brother's construction business, where he carried hod, dug ditches and finished cement.

Pastor met Kathleen (Papenfus) while they were both students at MBC.  In 1969 they became husband and wife.  Together they raised four wonderful children, as well as being grandparents and great-grandparents.  Their son and grandson also serve in full-time ministry.

Don Pickinpaugh

Don serves as song leader during church services.  Don has been active in church music since his pre-teen years. He has led church music and directed church choirs since 1977.

He served in the U.S. Air Force (1970-80) being stationed in Mississippi, Germany, Maryland, New Jersey, Cypress, Turkey and Spain. He graduated from Tennessee Temple University in 1984 and started deputation with Baptist International Missions Incorporated for ministry to the military overseas. He was pastor of Faith Bible Baptist Church in Azores, Portugal (1987-1993) when he and his wife, Jackie, had to return to the U.S. for health reasons. He then helped establish Fundamental Baptist Missions International as a ministry of Berean Baptist Church, Adrian Michigan.

Don and Jackie joined Grace Bible church in March of 2014 and became active in the music program soon after. Don sings special music, has played his coronet with congregational singing and Jackie alternates services with other pianists. She also taught a children's Sunday School class. Don started leading the song services at Grace Bible in April of 2021. He has also filled the pulpit at times when Pastor had to absent.

Stephanie Holly

Stephanie serves as both our children's church leader (K-6th grade) and one of our church pianists.  She grew up in a strong Christian home where she became aware at a very young age of her need of Jesus Christ to be her Savior.  After convincing her pastor of her genuine salvation at only 4 years of age, she was baptized.  Stephanie joined Grace Bible Church with her family in 1987 after moving to Tecumseh from Detroit.  Starting during her junior year of high school, she has played piano and organ for services, choirs & ensembles for both church and school.  Stephanie attended Bob Jones University where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science and mathematics while also taking in 4 years of invaluable Bible teaching.  Her experience in teaching began as a Sunday School teacher while home on breaks from college.  Over the years, she has taught all ages from pre-school to high school.  Having enjoyed over 27 years of marriage, Stephanie has one daughter.  Regarding her ministry at Grace, she says "I love being able to bless others through music.  And it is my heart’s desire for our children to know as much about God and the Bible as possible – not just a head knowledge, which is where it starts and is certainly necessary – but with the heart, resulting in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ – and learn to apply the principles of Scripture to everyday life."

Michelle English

Michelle serves as our Nursery Teacher and Sunday School teacher, as needed. She also fills in for Stephanie in Children's Church when needed as well.